Sunday, November 14, 2010


“Ragadirogan sathathanooshaktha
Naseshakaya Prasroota naseshan
Outsookya moha rathithan jagana
Yopoorva vaidyaya namosthu thasmai”

My obeisance to that extraordinary physician, who destroys totally the great diseases of “Raga dwesha” (desire, hatred etc) which pervades the entire body, never departs and is constantly creating the evil qualities of “Sneha” (attachment), “Moha” (illusion) etc.

Siddha Vidya

It is noted above that Swamiji himself, after tedious and strenuous efforts, has found out the upward course of Jeeva (Urthva Gathi). It is nothing but Siddha Vidya, that in the words of Swamiji is life (Jeeva)-which is present in oneself, gets downward, spreads out and destroys-being not allowed so to spread out, should be ever conducted up and down inwardly, there by knock open the Brahmarandhra, and learn to unite the life there with Eswara (at Brahmarandhra).It is Siddha Vidya.

About Siddha Veda many a life histories are there, but Siddha Vedam is the unique-the true one. It is the true life history of Jeeva. Jeeva is unique. Siddha Vedam is the History of that Jeeva. It is the very exposition of self experience realized by the founder of Siddha Samajam Jagat Jyothy Swami Sivananda Parama Hamsa.(Read Siddha Vedam all in all. The path-The Truth-The Life. The value of Siddha Vedam is beyond words, to understand its value one must read and meditate the book again and again).

The Siddha Samaj is the parentage of Siddha Vidyarthies. There are crores of people who have got initiated in Siddha Vidya and living peacefully, enjoying the supreme bliss are living in this world. The Siddha Samaj, Siddha Vidya Yoga Kendras and Siddha Vidya Abhyasa Alayams, expect every citizen to become Siddha Samajists or Siddha vidyarthies.

All learnings whatever it may be are meaningless if one does not realize himself. To realize one self one must learn himself Siddha Vidya is the art of learning oneself and knowing oneself is self enlightment Kaivalyam.

Protection of life, deliverance of Jeeva is truly the protection of the humanity in other words protection of the universe and it is the supreme kind of charity that the Samaj performs practically whatever the Samaj does it is all to save the life in this universe and there by keep the universe in existence.

At present due to the inhuman activities the world is full of problems and there is no safely to life. Siddha Samaj stands as the only practical solution to do away the inhuman activities and save the mankind from utter destruction.

It practically shows the world the right path to become Human by constant practice of Siddha Vidya. (The Siddha Samajists perform Siddha Vidya meditation, 8 hours in a day that is 3AM to 5.20AM in the early morning and 12 Noon to 2.20PM and in the evening 6pM to 7PM and in the night 8pm to 10.20PM). Then the world will be taken to natural way of life and got rescued.

On this age of turmoil the Siddha Samaj entreats ever citizen of the world to accept the Samaj way of life, foster universal brotherhood save life in this world. Once this vedantic socialistic life is appreciated and realized. “Thy Kingdom “is achieved and also secured world welfare and world peace.



Whoever meditates this ajapa Gayathri i.e., siddha vidya which is a great mantra will not have births and deaths which is also called brahma vidya.
The yogis who utters ajapa Gayathri i.e., siddha vidya will attain moksha.
The person who just thinks of this great maha mantra itself will exile from sins.


swamiji-smile photo

Sunday, August 30, 2009

His Holiness Swami Sivananda Paramahamsa

Sunday, August 16, 2009

siddha vidya a unique way to attain moksha






BY Brahmasri Peruvemba RAMASAMY

Compiled and edited by Brahmasri E.Sankar

Siddha Vidya was introduced for the first time by His Holiness Swamiji Sivananda Paramahamsa, the divine preceptor of preceptors. He is a native of North Malabar. This Vidya by itself is nothing new and Swamiji vouches that it had been practiced by our old forefathers while doing tapas in the forests and mountains of our blessed Motherland. By the passing away of those divine Rishis and Munis of old the Vidya had perhaps been gradually forgotten or mispractised in some form or other. The blessed Guru, Swamiji Sivananda Paramahamsa, the Founder of Siddha samaj, who discovered the shortest and easiest way to self-realization, Kaivalya, Nirvikalpa Samadhi or moksha, has traveled all through India from Cape Comorin to Afghanistan, through forests and mountains, where, even at the present day, Rishis and Munis and other sadhus still do tapas. He has by constant practice experienced himself what all has been said in his philosophical book called “SIDDHA VEDAM”.

As the old saying goes, the more we advance towards Self-realization the less selfish we become. Having himself enjoyed the Supreme Bliss through his own efforts, our Swamiji wanted to promote and benefit the worldly people. Through his teachings he shows to the public where the Lords of Lords “DAKSHINA MURTHY” have his place of abode in us and also the easiest way to have a Darsan (Vision) of Him.

He makes no distinction of sex, caste or creed for his teachings to be followed and in order that the world may take advantage of his teachings and instructions he wrote a book called “SIDDHA VEDAM” in the year 1922 naming his vedam as the 5th vedam of the universe.

Swamiji established 5 asramams in South India, Four Kerala (Badagara, Kayanna, Iyyoor and Mannurkara in Trivandrum) and one in Tamilnadu (Athur, Salem Dist).
The Swamiji has a large number of followers who are scattered here and there throughout the whole of India, may even out of India. These followers are not eager to bring the general public within their fold; but to such of those who have full confidence in the above vidya and if they think that they would be disciples are quite sincere and worthy enough, the divine vidya is then unfolded to them. Until such time as those anxious volunteer themselves, the followers of the Swamiji are not eager to add to their number. They are not for a moment eager for any preceptor ship for themselves, because in their own vedam it is said that there is no such thing as preceptorship. Preceptorship, in this thesis, only aids one to gain an easy idea over this psychic theory and therefore exists only in name. It should be clearly understood that one’s own mind or rather conscience is considered as the real Guru. So far for the introduction, Now coming to the subject, the followings are in a utshell a few features of the blessed vedam.

“I” submerged in “Brahman”:

By the word Brahman we have to acknowledge some thing unknowable and unperceivable “(like a barren woman’s child)”. People of different sects and creeds fight against one another for the scriptures and their deities’ i.e. God, khoda, Brahma, Hari and Hara and so on and so forth. But the whole of mankind may even the beasts and birds do not doubt about the existence of self and feel “I exist”. If there be any disputant to deny his existence by declaring “I do not exist”, his own conception of negation and the term he uses to prove that negation clearly establish the existence of his self. If there is any undoubted and undisputed truth common to all living entities in this Universe, which does not require any proof to demonstration, it is the conception “I exist” which innate in all.

“God” in us: The existence of “GOD” is a universally acknowledged fact. He is everywhere; but he has neither name nor form. Because He is present everywhere, He is in us too.

Just as a corpse cannot either see, hear, or know anything due to the absence of a Divine Power in it, in the same way we will not be conscious of anything unless we have the same divine power present in us. Even the present state of affairs we won’t have. It is because of the Divine Power in us that we are able to see, hear and know things. And as such, we ought to realize that it is the Divine Power otherwise God in us who is conscious of each and everything. Thus “I” the self is the God in all of us. (“I” means the little self, the ego. But “I” denotes the absolute self, the state of selfless)

Now a question arises. Where is this God or Divine Power in us? He rests in the center between the two eyebrows where our three important veins viz Ida, Pingala and Sushumna have their meeting place.

We refer the God in us, also as the Light of Lights. This is so-called Light of Lights does exist only in human beings but also in every other living creatures in the world. But the Light that shines in every one is visible in varying degrees of luster according to their attachments towards Maya. But you may ask how we are to know of this? From our own experience i.e. when our forehead unexpectedly strikes against a wall in the dark or our eyes chance to move to the centre between eyebrows, or for some reason or other, when we chance to mash our eyes a bluish tint in the form of a round ball and just like an electric flash appears before our eyes. This it is, that we should know as a spark of the divine ray of our Light of Lights in us and it is this light that we should strive to laminate more and more within us by constant practice of Siddha Vidya” is the only gain His Darsan. “Siddha Vidya” is the only proper means for the attainment of the same.

God i.e. “I”, the Self has two states viz, (1) Active state (sakalathwam) and (2) Dormant state (Nishkalathwam). When He is in the Sakalathwa state, the Divine Power in us moves out and becomes active just as when He creates the world, rules it, and finally dissolves all that he has created. In the second state, i.e. in the Nishkalathwa state this power does not move out of us. It exists there and forms a basis for the Sakalan to move out. That is the state of sleep. In our deep sleep we have the Nishkalathwam state. Both these rise out of one’s own self or “I”, the Self i.e. God. When this “I” the self or God in us has a kind of motion we have these two states working in us. The Nishkalathwa state what is called Brahman and Sakalathwa state Maya.

This by itself is not the outcome of anything, but something already it existence. Brahman and Maya have neither a beginning nor and end. It serves no use arguing this out. If anyone were to question as to how smoke had its existence in the fire we can only say that the smoke was already in the fire. But, for the outward appearance it is the contrary. For example, let us light a match stick. Instantly we strike it the smoke comes out with “Bhu” sound. Because the smoke comes out first we are not justified in saying that the smoke had a prior existence. Why, because there will not be any smoke unless there is fire. In the same way as the smoke envelopes the real fire, the smoke of Maya envelops the true and real Brahman.

When the Supreme Unit without a beginning or an end unfolds as Akasa out, we have the two stages of `Up’ and `down’. `Up’ is Brahman and `Down’ Maya. All things in the world have their origin from Maya and it is only out of Maya that we see, hear and know everything. If there was no Maya there would not be even the state of Brahman, because it is the movement of one’s own Self or Brahman that is called Maya.
When our own power, Maya, which has its existence from us gets absorbed in ourselves the state of Brahman is nil. It is on account of the movement of Self that we have what is called the state of Brahman. When this movement “Maya” becomes one with us or absorbs in self we have what is called Bliss. In that stage there are no two states of Brahman and Maya. They become one with self. All the sounds etc. are produced from Maya alone.
What is Maya” That represents Eternity. That “Eternal” thing is knowledge and knowledge is consciousness and the same consciousness is a synonym for “I”. When the above states of Eternity knowledge, Consciousness or “I” become nonexistent in us that state is what is called Maya. This world of what we see is not Maya. People call this world of ours as Maya, but it is not so. Everything is from Maya and Maya is the root cause of everything. How does the Eternity of consciousness become devoid in us? It is through the Jeevasakthi or Life breath which is going out every moment from is in the form of Apanan or Vayu.

Now we shall take up the relationship between the Life force or Jeevasakthi which is being wasted by us and the consciousness or the Light of Lights.

Consciousness in Relation with Life breath or Life force:

It is on account of the consciousness that is latent in us that we are able to see, hear and know things. After a person is dead, if the corpse is rolled about or if it is placed on the fire it is not conscious of anything because it has no life breath in it. As such, only when we have life breath in us, have we the knowledge of anything. Again when a man is on the point of death and when he has only a small atom of life breath in him, situated just between the eyebrows, he shows signs of life in him, only by movement of his eyes and face; but he cannot move any other portion of his body. Finally when even this lost atom of Life breath in him becomes extinct, he is not able to show any sign of life at all by any part of his body and finally like piece of wood and is turned into ashes. This therefore proves that when the Jeevasakthi or the Life breath is working in us we have what is called consciousness and when it becomes extinct we are not conscious of any thing at all. By this we come to the conclusion that the Life force in us is the real Consciousness and which is latent in us.

Lifebreath in relation to Mind and Thought:
Suppose we try to recollect a thing which we have forgotten. During the above process the Lifebreath or Lifeforce in us instead of wandering about becomes concentrated. In that state of concentration even if a person were to pass in front of us we will not know it, because our thoughts are concentrated on a particular thing.

Again suppose somebody passes in front of you when you are engaged in a deep conversation with a friend of yours. You may be able to see him and know who he is even when engaged in conversation because your mind was wandering to a certain extent. In the first instance our concentration was deep and there fore we were not able to see the man passing. When we concentrate our thoughts, Lifebreath or Lifeforce becomes centered in us. It is when the Lifeforce goes out that it turns into vayu or air. What is vayu or air after all? It is a kind of motion or vibration. It is from this vibration that we get what are called thoughts. Thoughts originate from the mind. When that motion of Lifeforce becomes one with us our mind also automatically becomes one with us. It is only when the Lifeforce goes out, that it is called vayu or air. But when it is inside of oneself it is called Lifeforce or “Sameeranan”.

Now we understand that when our own Lifeforce becomes one with us we are not conscious of outside surroundings and that all the present state of affairs have their origin only from the motion of our own self. It is only when the motion of Lifebreath in us becomes still and becomes one with us that we have the dawn of knowledge and are able to remember things. The remembrance has there fore its origin from Consciousness, or the Light of Lights. Light had its origin from Fire and Fire from Vayu or air. We thus realize that it is only when the divine Lifeforce of breath, fire Light, or Consciousness becomes one with us that we have the dawn of what is called knowledge. So Knowledge or Consciousness is the Lifeforce itself.

Going still further the Lifeforce or knowledge when it comes out in the form of Vayu, it is called Maya. The process of letting out the Lifeforce, instead of subduing it within oneself and enabling that Lifeforce to reduce itself to NIL is called Maya. That is why we say that the Maya has its origin in us. So much about the origin of Maya.

We have said above that vayu is what is called motion and it is from this motion that we get thoughts and that the mind is the cause for such thoughts.

Our chief aim in life therefore should be to differentiate vayu from Lifeforce or Sameeranan and then by constant practice try to make the Lifeforce become one with our Light of Lights i.e. “I” from whom the Lifeforce had its origin. By this our mind and thoughts automatically become one with ourselves. Then we enjoy what is called the “SUPREME BLISS” That is how we say that Siddha Vidya is the direct way to the “Supreme Bliss” or moksha.

Death (Extinction of Lifeforce):

In the course of a single day we inhale and exhale 21,600 times. When we inhale, the outside Vayu or Apanan gets mixed with our Lifeforce or Jeevesakthi and when exhaling our Lifeforce again turns in to Vayu. Generally it is the practice to inhale less and exhale more. Thus when we breath we let out more of Lifeforce than the Apana Vayu we take in, and thus gradually, in course of time, all our Lifeforce goes out from us resulting finally in our death. To remedy this it is our duty not to let our Lifeforce decay sooner by controlling the outward flow of Lifeforce as Apana, conduct at all times it up and down inwardly, preserve and get the one single flow (Gathi) of Life (Jeeva) the very path to attain salvation and self-realization.

When this Lifeforce through constant Practice becomes one with your consciousness (the Self) i.e. when Life (Jeeva) unites with God (Iswara) you will get the chance to enjoy the Supreme Bliss. Thus by prolonging your Life Energy as aforesaid, Jeeva and Iswara unite together and you attain salvation and Self-enlightment and enjoy the Everlasting Bliss.

The Practice of Siddha Vidya:

If you wish to know the secret of Siddha Vidya you should allow the Lifeforce constantly to traverse in and upward direction in accordance with the instructions given by the nominal preceptor. Then gradually, in course of time, all your nerves, brain etc. will get purified and your Lifeforce without any difficulty whatever will pass on upward with a mild shrill sound through the hole just above the tongue. Just at this state the breath is so fine that you yourself will be led to doubt whether you have the Lifeforce in you or not. It will just be a slight push of breath form the pit of the gullet. This is the proper course of practice. This state of the Lifebreath is what we call Sameeranan i.e. that which constantly moves and hits the Eternal Entity, The Brahman. In this manner one can go on constantly by breathing what is called Sameeranan from the gullet through the holes just above the tongue. Then all the wandering thoughts attain stillness and there comes the detachment in you and the notion of “I” or “Mine” disappears. At this stage through the dawn of knowledge the eternal true consciousness that you attain your ultimate goal in life with the dawn of the Supreme Knowledge you become devoid of all emotions of happiness and misery and you feel in yourself a universal feeling of oneness and ultimately you attain the stage of Nirvikalpasamadhi or Moksha. More of this you have to learn through your real preceptor, the Mind and gain experience yourself. All our knowledge is based upon experience. The Truth taught by the great teachers such as Christ, Buddha, etc. are the results of the experiences of those particular persons.
Now brothers and sisters, to beget faith or not in the success of the above vidya is left entirely to yourself. No amount of arguments will be of any avail. The Bliss is sure of attainment but through patient practice.

Aum… Aum … Aum

Siddha Vedam

The Principle and theory of Siddha vidya the real Pranayama- the one practiced and propagated by the Rishis, The Buddha, The Christ, The Mohammed, etc – the proper way of worship to attain self-realization and enjoy the Sublime Bliss- is extensively deal with in this book by an easy dialect of Guru- Syshya. It is truly the History of life and indispensable to one and all to understand oneself and the world.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

siddha vidya - initiation


Siddhar is a perfect being who does everything in a right way and accomplishes everything in the world. India had so many Siddhars in the past and some are in the present but they do not reveal themselves out for some reasons. In those days we had Eighteen Siddhars who were familiarly known as (Pathinen Siddhars) Tirumoolar is the first of them.

With out allowing outside the Jeeva (life) which is getting out downwardly from oneself and is destroying, conduct it up and down inwardly, unite with Iswara above us, attain Jeeveswaroraikyam (union of Life and God), absorb oneself at Brahmarandhra and attain Moksa (salvation). This exercise by Jeeva in order to attain salvation is Siddha Vidya.

Siddha Vidya (Vaasi yoga) is channelising the breath in sushumana nadi. There are two vayus namely prana and apana vayus by channelising this vayus the breath made into flow sushumana or brahma nadi.Normally the breath take place through left or right or ida or pingala and by this practice breath flow through sushumana nadi for ordinary people breath take place through right or left but yogis breath through brahma nadi.The breath circulates inside the body and it is called as Kevala Kumbakam and he can live for many more years without food or water and he can Postpone his death.This is also called Ajabagayathri japam is done without pronouncing in mouth. In Hindu Culture which has different sects in these sects brahmins do Gayathri Japam which is considered as highest japa is done by prounouncing through mouth. But this is done without pronouncing throgh mouth and silence has more power than words. When our life force is cycled once from Mooladara we will get the benefit of what we achieve in 12 years in spiritual attainment we will get it half minute (It is said in Autobiography of Yogi by Paramahamsa Yogananda).
This yoga is almost forgotten one and they have hidden this art being purely selfish. Nobody is ready to part with this art and this is only yoga which can help to attain the goal. Due to restriction in this yoga they were unable give it to public. There are some people who do not want to leave their bad habits and come into yoga. They are bent upon drinking smoking etc., they cannot come out of this bad habits. And they have to comedown to earth again and again in the vicious cycle of birth and death and get caught in the womb undergo the painful life of human being we can escape from this cycle by this siddha vidya. (a little practice of this Dharma will relieve us from painful cycles of rebirth this is said by mahavatar babaji).

They will also try to give excuses for not practising and they will put blame on time "Let the time come" the time will not come at all and we have to choose the time and who knows about the great nature. Before the time death may approach by practicing we can also be a Jeevan Muktha even at the time of death we can shed this body and enter to astral world and live among siddhars for many centuries.


Lord Shiva is the great Siddha yogi and he initiated to Parvathi and his followers are Nandhikeswarar, Tirumoolar and eighteen siddhars. Tirumoolar is the forefather of eighteen Siddhars. Lord Hanuman is great Siddha yogi that is why he was able to cross the ocean. All the siddhars have written more about Siddha vidya in their poems Lord Krishna is also Siddha yogi and Arjuna is his disciple. Agasthiar also a Siddha yogi and Jesus Christ in his early days is believed to have spent his time in Himalaya from the age of 12 to 30. He took initiation from a deathless saint Mahavatar Babaji and spent 12 years with him and attained with siddhi and again gone back to west. His followers Saint Michaels and Saint Francis Xavier are also Siddha yogis. In the Himalayas there is a cave in the name of Jesus where he is said have to stayed there and practiced Siddha vidya (This is said great siddha yogi name by Paramahamsa Yoga Nanda in his book autobiography of yogi). Saint Ragavendra is also a siddha yogi he got initiated at the age of 40 and attained siddhi saint Ramalinga is also a siddha yogi after he attained siddhi his body could not be touched by others and could not be cut by knife. Swami Sivananda Paramahamsar founded Siddha Samajam and there are so many followers of Sivananda Paramahamsar in Kerala (in India) and he has also written a book named Siddha Vedham. In this yoga your life force (Prana) increases and we are drawing our vital sexual fluid (semen) into the body.


It must be done at Brahmamuhurtha ie. Between 4.00am and 6.00am, 12.00pm to 2.00pm and in the evening 6.00pm to 8.00pm with empty stomach and the stomach must be kept empty before one hour of practice. It is better to do Siddha vidya after taking bath they have to follow this things strictly since lot of heat is produced inside the body and our breath tends to go up to brahmarandhra and there is a chance of getting cold.


In our human body there are 72,000 nadis of these important are three different nadis that is ida, pingala, and Sushmana our body system works due to perfect balance of these nadis if there is any imbalance in these nadis diseases tends to occur. By practicing siddha vidya we can balance the breath in these nadis in the morning pitta nadi flows, at the noon vatha nadi flows and in the evening kapha nadi flowes if practiced during these times the doshas in these nadis can be eliminated.

Siddha Vidya can be practiced four times in a day.
4.30am to 6.00 am
12.00pm to 2.00pm
6.00pm to 8.00pm


If practiced between 4.30am to 6.00am we can postpone ageing of body.In the treatment of diabetes, blood pressure and ulcer siddha vidya plays a great role and the severity of diseases brought down and finally diseases cured due to cosmic power.


Try to avoid spicy foods with chilies and tamarind. Another basic requirement is they must be pure vegetarian if they had taken non vegetarian they must stop taking. It after the initiations if they continue to take non vegetarian they will face severe health problems. They can take lot green vegetables fresh fruits and green gram with rice. They should avoid taking foods which are kept in refrigerators and they must avoid grapes and banana. They must be a teetotaler and free from illicit drugs, drinking and smoking.


This is also called Ajabagayathri japam is done without pronouncing through mouth. When doing this yoga the breath goes only brahma nadi and he can live for many more years without food or water and he can postpone his death. In Hindu Culture which has different sects in these sects Brahmins do Gayathri Japam which considered as highest japam is done by pronouncing through mouth. But this is done without pronouncing through mouth and silence has more power than words. When our life force is cycled once from Mooladara we will get the benefit of what we achieve in 12 years in spiritual attainment we will get it half minute. we can also be a Jeevan Muktha even at the time of death we can shed this body and enter to astral world and live among siddhars for many centuries. This yoga is almost forgotten one and they have hidden this art being purely selfish. Nobody is ready to part with this art and this is only yoga which can help to attain the goal. Due to restriction in this yoga they were unable give it public. Try to avoid spicy with chilies and tamarind, another basic requirement is pure vegetarian if they had taken non vegetarian they must stop taking it after the initiations if they continues to take non vegetarian they will face death or their family will get affected and free from illicit drugs, drinking and smoking. It is better to start at an early age around eighteen years if one practices siddha vidya continuously they can attain siddhi after twelve years of time. It varies according to age and how they practice if married both of them must practice if the other partner does not practice there body will get affected since you are drawing the cosmic power in to your body which is equal to high voltage of electricity.

The ways to get initiated this Siddha Vidya:

Those who are willing to get initiated this Siddha vidya they must thoroughly go thro’ the book

Only when one sure about the rules and conduct to be followed by Siddha vidyarthies and the basics of Siddha Vedham, He/She can seek Siddha vidyarthies or Siddha samajam to get initiation.

You can send your details to for further details/clarification.
There is no fee to get initiated this Siddha vidya. If any one collects money/remuneration to give initiation will be considered as chandalas (the most depressed and cursed people among mankind).

Kayanna Siddhasramam,
(Via) Perambra, Kozhikode District, Kerala.

Iyyoor Siddhasramam,
(Via) Taliparamba, cannanore District, Kerala.

Mannurkara Siddhasramam,
(Via) Kattakada, Trivandrum District, Kerala.

Ammampalayam Siddhasramam,
(Via) Attur, Salem District, Tamilnadu.

Those who practice siddha vidya is certain to attain mukthi it is the highest yoga to merge with God. All the saints and rishis have reached their exalted stage only doing siddha vidya. If we practice continuously we can be one among of them after shedding our human body. We can enter into astral world with Astral Body and we can live among Group of Siddhars. Those who have heard about this or read about this will have blessings of great Siddhars.


Maintain Your Mind & Body

On this earth, there are various kinds of animals, birds but, do they have a Doctor amongst them?
They have in built "auto-heal" technology.
Why only men depend on doctor for his health?
Because, We do not follow the rules of nature.
Every person on this earth has in-built "healing & curing" system. There are some ductless glands in our human body. They control & maintain our various systems, like respiration, digestion, blood circulation, etc.
The best technique to remain healthy is to keep these glands healthy in a natural way. The most common way is to do "PRANAYAM "regularly.
The breath we take in is the most important activity responsible for these glands. Experts say, we hardly use 25% to 30% capacity of our lungs.
The PRANAYAM is a simple way to increase this capacity. Many people have reduced excess weight, reduced their pains in different parts, reduced cholesterol level, and increased the efficiency of working.
Why not spend 45 minutes in a day for yourself?

Take your own appointment for better tomorrow, & remain healthy.

Eat Healthy

Think Healthy,

Live Healthy

With unconditional love and care


Saturday, August 8, 2009

siddha vidyarthi

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Atma Namaskaram,

We born to this world to live a peaceful and prosperous life with bliss and enlightment.
I am going to share my experience with my Athma Pitha (Father of My soul) Jega Jyothi alias His Holiness Swami Sivananda Paramahamsa and his Siddha Vidya.



The very cause that siddha samajam stands for is world welfare and world peace. It will be achieved only in a free, independent society, free from fear and bribery.


Now the world is devoid of peace. It is because: due to raga-dwesha (love and hatred) such as “I”, mine, my wife, my children, my relatives, my property, I must possess, my dependents must be provided and saved, he is foreigner, he must not be provided, he must be killed etc.,” people quarrel among themselves, get *”adhogathi” and die. But take the case of birds! They have no such raga-dwesha.they live with equality and fraternity and lead a peaceful life. For them if mothers, all are mothers, if father, all are fathers, if children, all are children,

Mankind has lost the peace and tranquility and universal fellow-feeling that the birds enjoy. It is because: the birds have their “prana” under their control while the so called man loses it due to drownward flow (adhogathi) of jeeva. The remedy is to get upward flow (urdhwagathi)of jeeva which is known as brahma vidya, pranayama etc. by Herculean effort his holiness has himself founded this sublime vidya-the way of deliverance of jeeva-the way to be immortal-the way to salvation and supreme bliss and preached it as siddha vidya. It is alone the remedy for the miseries of the world. It is alone the root cause to lead a life as that of birds. It is what the great teachers of the world viz. the Buddha, the Christ, the mohammed, the rishis of old etc., etc., had advocated. It is what the Vedas, the Upanishads, the bible, the quran, etc., teach. Hensh, out of dire sympathy upon the suffering mankind, his holiness advocated this supreme cult throughout the world at large and founded siddha samajam-the foundation to practice this vidya, attain salvation (moksha) and enjoy the sublime bliss that his holiness enjoyed.


Assets of the samajam are only its soil. It belong to none in particular, but to all-the existing as well as the on-coming members of the samajam who work and live there unitedly as uterine brethren without any disparity of cast and creed. The existence of privacy is the root cause of all miseries. Hence the property is made common. None can either misappropriate or mortgage or sell sell the property of the samajam. There is nothing of the sort of any economic activity in the samajam. It has to do no materials service. Everything is to make the samajam self-sufficient. Just
an example to be followed by the world.


IT is due to lack of fellow-feeling or fellow-belife that people fall prey to fear and bribery, get immersed in unnatural bondages of family relation and suffer. Hence the samajam aims at fostering fellow-feeling and fello-belief-universal brotherhood. There are no such relations such as husband, wife, son, daughter etc, in the samajam. All are the children of one mother; all brethren.


A bride-free life is possible only through high morale and discipline. Hence strict discipline is observed in the samajam. Every day 8 hours are devoted for prayer-3a.m. to 5.20a.m.; 12noon to 2.20p.m.;6p.m. to 7p.m. and 7.30p.m. to 9.50p.m.; the rest is used for earning the livelihood. Diet is strictly vegetarian. Drinking liquors, taking intoxicants such as opium, ganja etc.; smoking cigar, beedi and cigarette, using snuff, chewing tobacco, arecanut and lime and the use of tea, tamarind and mustard are totally avoided. No caste or professional titles should be used. Superstitions, funeral rites etc., are dispelled. Except simple pure white clothes, no other dresses such as shirts, trousers etc., and colour dresses are used. No hair-cutting or shaving. Religion is Religion of God and caste is Human. In short the samajam has to lead a life in accordance with nature.


Agriculture is chef means for livelihood. Others are trade and crafts. Samajam is meant for one to live by his own work without depending on others. There is no compulsion in talking work. One can do any work. Whatever they do, it must be done to together and the fruits are enjoyed equally, commonly and collectively. None is paid for his labour. Instead, their labour as well as their life is dedicated to promote the supreme cult of the samajam.

The samajists carry on agriculture by hard-working in the samajam landed property; but the produce is very low due to the poor quality of land and water scarcity. Hence they are resorted to the production and sale of ayurvedic medicines. It is from the income derived out of these, the primary needs of ashramites such as food, clothing etc.; child care and education, treatment of sick, reception of guests, annadan (serving food), management of samajam, karthika festival etc., are met. Thus the income of the samajam is wholly used for public charitable purposes and no part of it is spend for any selfish activity.


One of the highest forms of charity that the samajam performs is serving food. The ashamites take in food only after supplying food to all outsiders including the poor and needy, present during the meals time. If one comes hungry and there is no food prepared, the samajists are bound to prepare food at once and supply the hungry,


Other than children, sick and persons gone outside, none should take food separately. All should observe sagthi sapeethi. All sit and take in collectively solid foods mixed together and served in a single plate or leaf is sagthi and that of liquid foods in this manner is sapeethi. Thus samajists enjoy food commonly and evenly.


There is no celebration at all in the samajam other than the one-the samajam other than the one-the birthday celebration of its founder. It is celebrated as karthika festival-festival in the sense that thousands and thousands of people gather and they are all fed with food freely in the morning and afternoon. In additions, discourse on spiritual matters as well as prayer-practice of siddha vidya is allowed. No other rituals are observed.


Whoever visit the samajam are fed with the ideals of the samajam. The publications of the samajam are the best means of propagation. They are published as low-priced edition in all the four Dravidian languages and in Hindi and English. Initiation in siddha vidya is given for the thirsty heart provided one follows the “rules of conduct for siddha vidyarthies” before getting initiation one is expected to go through “SIDDHAVEDAM” thoroughly.


The samajam runs one patasala at the head office as a residential school for the children of the samajam. After completing education there, they are sent back to the siddhasramams.


Even though admission in the samajam is always open to all irrespective of sex, cast, creed and country, before exploring for entrance in the samajam, one must get initiated siddha vidha, practice it and follow the “rules of conduct for sidda vidyarthis” and he must get acquainted with siddha samajam and understand it thoroughly. On knowing all these if he decides to dedicate his life for the noble cause of the samajam and is ready to abide by “siddha samaj rules” he must leave all family relations and private holdings in his name, acquire one certificate from the local village officer or sub inspector of police to the effect that he belongs to no parties at all and submit it along with the application to the president of the ashram where he wants to join. From then onward he will be kept under probation for some period. When he seems fit tom join, he will be got enrolled as a member and now on he will be treated equally and freely along with other members of the ashram. Thus the samajam performs the noble career of bringing the whole word under one roof of TRUTH which will help lead thereby to establish world government.


The samajam is organised by the five general officers, viz. general president, general secretary, general representative, general treasure and minute editor-all are elected by samajam general body. Each siddhasramam under the samajam is organised similarly by five officials appointed by the general president. Also there is one daily minuter in each ashram in order to take note in the daily minutes whatever he sees and hears in the ashram. The general president is the head of the administration and has the supreme power to take disciplinary actions and punish, even to dismiss any member of the samajam. But even that general president if he deviates from the samajam rules is put into trial and punished by the samajam general body. Thus the samajam is purely a democratic set up.


TRUTH and religion cannot exist together. Hence, from the advent of religions, the world is devoit of the supreme qualities of human life such as TRUTH, EOUITY, HONOUR, UNITY, PROTECTION OF THE PIOUS, FRATHERNITY and OBSERVANCE OF DHARHA (rule of law). Hence by destroying the religions and establishing TRUTH etc., the supreme qualities of human life whoever endeavour to keep the world in existence they alone are siddha samajists.


The samajam is the tharavadu (parentages) of siddha vidyarthies who follow strictly the “rules of conduct for siddha vidyarthies” there are crores of people who have got initiated in siddha vidya and live throughout the world. The samajam expects every citizen of the world to become siddha samajists or siddha vidyarthies.


Siddha samajam is the world sanctuary-the place where the suffering masses of the world will fine protection to their very life and enjoy the life in this world as that of birds without any entanglement. By birth, birds have always the upward course of breath (urdhwagathi) – the one we have only during sleep. One can attain that only by practicing yoga (siddha vidya). We should keep the mind ever upward. Just like water on lotus leaf what ever we do should be done unaffectionately along with the single course of breath (gathi)-the upward course of life. It is due to the disappearance of this ever living, way to truth, mankind has lost itself in the downward wordly life, has forgotten the real and natural principles of trusteeship (common ownership) and has taken to the mean, destructive, selfish individual ownership which is the root cause of all dangers, conflicts, unrests etc., the world faces today. Thus forgetting one’s own life and following the artificial inhuman activities, the atmosphere is being polluted and the world is at the fringe of utter destruction. Only by practicing siddha vidya, the world will be taken to natural way of life and got rescued. It is thus to save the mankind from utter destruction that his holiness swamai sivananda Paramahamsa has incarnated, propagated siddha vidya and founded siddha samajam the very world sanctuary providing the mankind with all means for survival.


Thus the samajam is in miniature a free, independent society, free from fear and bribery and shows the world practically the very way to egalitarian society. Hence, the very existence of the samajam itself is the very embodiment of dharma (charity) and it is to keep it in existence-to practice and propagate the ideals of the samajam-that the income, derived out of the very toiling and moiling of its members, it is utilised.

Protection of life-deliverance of jeeva-is truly the protecting of the humanity, in other words protecting of the universe and it is the supreme kind of charity the samajam performs practically. Whatever the samajam does, it is all to save life in this universe and thereby to keep the universe in existence. At present, due to the inhuman activities, the world is full of problems and there is no safety of life. Siddha samajam stands as the only practical solution to away the inhuman activities and save the mankind from utter destructing. It practically shows the world the right path to become human.

Also, the samajam stands as the very answer to all the problems of the world such as food, clothing, housing education; property, labour, caste, creed etc., whatever may be the problems-worldly or spiritual-the samajam stands as the very answer to all and only through the samajam way of life the world will secure peace and prosperity and become welfare and safety. That is the one and single treatment to all the conflicts and dangers of the world is to sacrifice the base, selfish through of individual possession and accept the sublime, unselfish samajam way of life. Once this vedantic socialist life is appreciated and realished. *”thy kingdom” is achieved. It is to make known this message practically to the world that the samajam stands for. It is to this that the samajam carries on practically and silently its noble pioneering service of world welfare and world peace by practising and propagating this ideals of the samajam-the most supreme act of charity. Thus the samajam, all in all, is a spiritual and charitable establishment for world welfare and world peace.


On this age of turmoil, the samajam entreats every citizen of the world to accept the samajam way of life, foster universal brotherhood, save life in this in this world, secure world welfare and world peace and thereby enjoy sublime bliss!!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. it,s very useful to me mr.shankar sir.this is my salute for guru sivananda paramahamsar, vanakkam.

  3. very nice. all human being should ready this page

  4. I want to learn & practice. Pl help. I am at Bangalore & my email id is - & ph no is - +919845292180 - venkataraman b

    1. can contact nehru Ayya (Madurai) between 7.00 am & 7.15 am only at
      097863 91444.
      or me sugumaran (Bangalore) at 09900583525

  5. I want to learn & practice. Pl help.
    cell 9150685098

    1. can contact nehru Ayya (Madurai) between 7.00 am & 7.15 am only at
      097863 91444.
      or me sugumaran (Bangalore) at 09900583525

  6. I want to learn vasi yogam as I am bsed from chennai and please help me guru address in chennai .
    my email;

  7. Athma Vanakkam'

    May I have the contact number of any siddha vidyarthi in Malaysia. Thank you.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. now this book available at giri ayya publication Rs 180.check website for contact detail ,vazhka vallamudan

  11. If you are serious and committed about getting initiated in Siddha Vidhai, Please read the Siddhavedam book completely and the Nadavadikai Kiramam book. Then you contact Bramashri Balan Ayya : 09025866902. He lives in Chennai.

  12. Please tell me where I can buy the English version of Siddha Vedam. Thanks.

  13. I want to learn & practice. Pl help. I can able to learn @ bangalore or @madurai. - & ph no is - +919789306574 Manieshwaran

  14. Dear Freinds,

    Ayya C.kothandavelu was a master for me before i had the initiation.
    You can get Siddha vedam book from him by person only ,Dont ask him for Courier or delivery, You better get that books by set siddha vedam+Rules : 180+25 =205 Rs
    you also get initiation by attending regular weekend classes only.
    Please don’t ask doubt over phone, ask your clarification by direct visit (This is my personal opinion)

    Chennai Siddha Vidhyarthigal Abyasa Nilaya Trust
    # 15, SSV Kovil First Street (Also come by 3rd street)
    Perambur chennai -11

    ph :9884724712

    Coordinates: 13°7'7"N 80°14'37"E

    my mail ID :

  15. Atma Namaskaram

    Dear Friends

    I need one help, my father plan to start our medical product sale,
    what are the procedure to follow, he is siddha vithyaki.

    pls if you have any person to know pls share if Tamil know better to communicate.

    i am vignesh,
    +91 9677958234

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Replies
    1. Hi Siva Anand K S,
      Where can I buy the Siddha Vedam in English? Also, is it the first edition from 1959, or is it the second edition from 1970?
      Thank you,

    2. Thanks for sharing pdf version book to all,great,there some introduction pages are missing,that contains very important information.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. where I can learn / get initiated into siddha vidya near pondicherry ?

  21. I am located in Dubai and would like to practice it.. Kindly help... /oo971562872924

  22. [siddha vedam english -1,siddha vedam Tamil 1] book available Rs 350 each (including courier charge) - 9884619042

  23. I want to get initiation into vasi yoga. Can you give some contacts in Cochin area. Mail id:

  24. I want peace from my problem. One sidda vudyardhi selected me to marry n now he selected one another girl to Mary.... .. please reduce my pain.

  25. Sir,
    I am staying in Faridabad, Delhi NCR.
    I wish to practice siddha vedam.
    I know english and Tamil language.
    How can start practice the same sir.
    My e mail ID is
    My phone no is 8383820919.
    Kindly help me sir.

  26. Hello and greetings from Malaysia,
    Are there any one in Malaysia who is offering initiation into vasi yoga .Please let me know the contact details please

  27. I want to learn and practice, please help me. I am at Bangalore Rajajinagar, my email ID is ravi. my contact number +917338176333

  28. Is your ashram open to everyone because I want to come and buy siddha vedam book and also wish to learn vasi yoga

  29. From my personal experience i want to tell you all, the basic issue of human kind is sin, they are away from their creator, they are unable to come back by their own efforts. But we have a hope in Jesus Christ, who is the way , the light , the life and the truth. please trust Hi, call upon his name for your salvation. He was God, who created everything visible and invisible, universe and everything in it, He came from heaven, He lived a life without sin, He Healed the sick, died for our sin and prepared a way for us to eternal bliss.

    Call call Him for your salvation, (I was a sinner without hope, I tried many religion visited many ashrams, but found hope , love and peace in Jesus)

  30. I tried for the book on Amazon. Since it is not available I am approaching people reading this blogpost.

    Kindly confirm from I can obtain a copy of the book in English or Tamizh.

    I live in Pune. Is there someone who can helpl me in Pune to learn Siddha Vidhya.


    1. Pdf format of the book is available online. (Both English and tamil). Although few pages of english version are blank.

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