Tuesday, October 23, 2012


Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Is there is a chance of World peace?
At present it is a dream eluding from everyone.
World peace is a big asks.
Let us ask a simple question.
Are the people living peacefully?
It is also a complicated question. Because it is up to people’s mind. Nobody knows others mind hence, we cannot predict whether the people living in peace or not.
Now I am asking you a very simple question.
Do you live in peace?
Is your body and mind in perfect co-ordination/harmony?
Think …
The answer is definitely not.
Because, we did not understand what is life.
Every body believes and act that merely existence is life.
For existence they need food, shelter and cloth.
As per Maslow pyramid it is
1-      Physiological needs – food, water, sleep and shelter
2-      Security – From losing valuables and job
3-      Affiliation – Accepted by others
4-      Esteem – Power, Prestige and Status
5-      Self-actualisation - Max one’s own potential
As per the world findings (it is not a hypothetical figure)
Only 28% of the world population is fulfilling their physiological needs
100% of the peoples in the world are unsecured
(Sounds crazy, do you know how long you are going to live in this world?
Is the world is safe?
Do you know how many countries having atom bombs which can destroy this universe more than 10 times?
 Means, the amount of atom bombs hydrogen bombs, which our nations accumulating, can destroy more than 10 worlds. Now you tell me, are we secured?)
Now the Maslow theory ends here itself. If nothing is secured including your life then what about your affiliation, Prestige and status?
Nothing is permanent in the world, including world’s highest nation’s president post. Why I am telling this due to ignorance, people in this post believing that they can change the fate of the world.
I will tell you one thing, you do not know your fate itself, then how can you decide others fate.
What is FATE?
False Accumulation of Toxins like hatred, greedy, Jealousy, Ignorance which infused in your mind and finally Exits you from this world (i.e. death).
Is it possible to avert this death pang?
What is the medicine for avoiding this death pang?
It is Love.
Are you ridiculing me?
I love my wife.
It is infatuation….
I love my children
It is expectation….
I love my nation
It is ignorance…
Then what else is Love?
Are you realized, which is the real cause for your existence?
I am existing, I am speaking, I am living what else?
The main reason for your existence is your spirit i.e. Soul or Jeevan
Spirit is real. Others were mirage
Now let me come to the point, taking care of your spirit/Soul is Love.
Love is nothing else taking care of your self.
Are we taking care of our self?
If you are taking care of your self, you can not die of death pangs.
Then what else, I am doing in my life?
You are taking care of your Parents/wife/Children/Wealth/Prestige/Power
In the process you are loosing your invaluable Life i.e. spirit/soul thus you are experiencing this death pangs in the final days of your life, when you exits from this world.
 That is why I told you, we do not love our self. We are in infatuation with our belongings.
Is it correct?  Think yourself.
We discussed in the beginning about world peace, now we end up with self. Then how we can achieve the world peace?
When a realised Self clearly understood all the self is the form of Single Atman (God is One) then it will not see other soul as a different one.
Whether other souls speaking different language/sect or from different nation a realised soul will love its soul as well as other souls, it will treat others souls as equal. Then there is no question of hatred /Jealous/ignorance/Greed/power/prestige.
The biggest ignorance is we believe in, souls are different. But whether we are Indian/British/American we breathe the same oxygen from the space.
Is the space supply different oxygen for different country?
Is there a different sun for different countries, which is the source for all living beings?
We are living in this world with single source of oxygen sourced by Sun. Then our prime existence is from a 

single father, i.e. this space. We are all linked with the same ether in the world.

How can you and me a different one.

 We are all sons of same divine. I.e. this space. Without realising this we are in top most ignorance, hence we are doing heinous crimes to our brothers and sisters in the name of security. Not only that, we do harm to our self during the process of accumulating undue wealth.
A moderate wealth required for the maintenance of our body and our immediate family
But the world is your permanent family. Instead of doing harm to this world, we should safe guard this beautiful world for our next generation.
If any one asks me, how can we achieve self-actualisation?

Then there is a way for Self actualisation thro’ a noble way of Living i.e. practicing siddha vidya along with your immediate family and with your permanent family.

One should realise the self and the self will realise all self is potentially divine, and it is from a single space/source.

Through this process the world peace can be achieved. No short cut for the World peace as of now.
Only thro’ practicing the “Home-Yogi way of Living” Harmony of mind and Body will be achieved, through this, self will realise the self and thus Self knows all self is from single source. Thus achieves Peace and Harmony among people. Then the world peace will be achieved.
If we utilized the wealth that is spent, all around the world to manufacture arms and ammunition, bombs and shells, including that of atom/hydrogen bomb in a more positive and human oriented welfare activities, then each and every one of us can live god envious rich life.
Alas! In spite of, all natural resources with huge wealth all around the world, 72% of my brothers and sisters are living in poverty this is the No.1 crime against human evolution.
All this because of the ignorance of barbarians who are in power around the world, who are focusing only on their citizen’s welfare (???) to retain the power, Country/boundary oriented policy makers and many business tycoons who looting enormous wealth of nature and selling harmful products, which causes damage to the mankind/environment all around the world with out realising the self is the real incarnation of GOD.
Through this heinous act, they only accumulate Wealth/power/prestige and themselves losing their self due to their ignoble act.

Hence, if a man realised GOD is Self, he won’t involve in this ignoble act of looting his own life-force to web a net around himself like Caste/creed/religion/Power/Developed nation/Jealous/Anger/Greed/in justice etc... Finally pray to his self made web and losing his invaluable Life.
(Like a spider webs his own net and eat the insects which fall in the web. Finally it will loose its invaluable life by simply keep on building its nest thro’ the gum extracting from its mouth, which is the Life-force of spider for existence.)

Brothers and Sisters, now you could understand, what Love is?
Love is nothing but caring the self. Preserving the godly Life-force which is developing in your body through consumption of Food and beverages, then the food and beverages which you offered to this body chyle is manufactured; out of chyle comes blood; out of blood comes flesh; out of flesh comes fat; out of fat comes marrow; out of marrow comes semen. Semen is the last essence.
In bone marrows white blood cells formed, this will protecting you from harmful viruses. Then the semen, we are all known out of semen only reproduction is done.
We have White blood cells to protect us from harmful viruses but we did not have a concrete to protect us from harmful thoughts. These harmful thoughts can be eliminated thro’ Love. Love is the protector of our self.
Thus “LOVE is GOD” “GOD is LOVE”
Without realising this simple, only tool for world peace. Now the world is trying too many things to bring world peace. But the people, who rule us, know this fact. But they will not implement for want of power and rule.
Our Rulers are now divide and ruling us. If, the people realise their self and brotherhood around the world, they cannot enjoy their sensual pleasures at their will.
What these people are doing finally, they divide and rule us and accumulate hefty wealth. But the GOD with in them destroys their love of soul. Slowly their life force is losing from them thus enjoys this death pang. But the world will keep track of their sensual pleasures enjoyed by them, will try to follow the same. They will not see their rulers, how they were suffered in their final days, again one more team will emerge to follow the same technique to rule the world. It is the cycle between Birth and death of today’s modernized/civilized world. But let the world do what ever it could, if any one is determined to realise the self and enjoy bliss and enlighten definitely, he will attain the same.

Om World Peace…Om world Peace…Om world Peace…

Home-Yogi way of Living
-Realise God is Love
-The unique asset is your soul i.e. the incarnation of Universal source for Living beings himself.
-Realise the importance of body and mind. Know the functions of body and mind.
-If you realise the importance of Jeevan, you can not loose it to hell.
-Divine is God oriented Life. Hell is sensual pleasures oriented life.
-Science is Good, if it really helps us saving our Jeevan/Life.
-Control your prana i.e. Life-force wasting thro’ 9 holes in your body
-Learn technique to control Prana wastage thro’ 9 Holes
-know and Learn Siddha Vidya, which can control the wastage of life-force thro’ down ward breathing i.e. “athogathi” means wastage of prana.
-Eat only natural satvik food, No hatred, Greedy, Jealous
-Preserve our life-force thro’ inward breathing i.e. “oorthuvagathi” means prana dwelling inside
-Maintain your Health through harmonious Mind and Body.
-Sperm is the seed for our future generation. maintain your mind and body healthy to bring a healthy seed from you.
- Say no to alcohol/Cigar/ Non-vegetarian to bring a better seed from you
-No personal use of AC & Refrigerator since, it will destroy your seed as well as environment.
-Healthy working habits, not to work accumulate wealth alone. Taking care of our soul/self is at most importance.
-Realise without soul/life-force, you are a dead wood which can be burnt to ashes.
-reduce your sensory pleasures to reduce your life-force wastage.
-All livings beings are equal and they are our brothers and sisters.
-Spread the goodness to all. Follow good path “oorthuva gathi” along with your family and friends
“GOD is JEEVA” “JEEVA is GOD” “Love is GOD” “God is Love” … Om Shanthi………..

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